Adrianna Danise Blackburn

29th Oct 2017 Black Nativity 2019 CastVocalist

Adrianna is a 28-year-old Georgia Native who is excited to be returning to the Black Nativity Stage for the 5th year in a row. She is currently the Youth Worship and Arts Director at The House of Hope Atlanta. She is also a licensed minister of the Gospel, a member of the contemporary Gospel group Lawrence Flowers and Intercession, and a co-founder of the up and coming Christian Contemporary Band, Kingdom Worship. Beyond her endeavors as a Kingdom creative Adrianna’s greatest ambition and passion is to take Christ everywhere she goes and leave Christ everywhere she’s been. She hopes to see God, know God, and show God as He really is. The Black Nativity Stage is a great place to publicly display her love for Christ, master her unique gifts, build lasting relationships, and have a whole lot of Fun. She thanks her Family, Friends, and loved ones for their support and prayers in life and through the run of this Amazing Production.