
Program Ad Sales

Be Seen: Place Your Ad in the Jar The Floor Souvenir Playbill!

jar promo 2-470Thank you for your interest in advertising with Dominion Entertainment Group, LLC. Get your product, service, or message seen by over 5,000 patrons and/or subscribers! Your ad will appear in all program booklets distributed at the performances of JAR THE FLOOR.

Ad Information

Graphics: Camera-ready ad copy in PDF, JPG, or PNG format at 300 dpi resolution.
See example AD DIMENSIONS.

Submissions: Send your ad via e-mail to info@domentgroup.wpengine.com, with JAR ADVERTISING in the subject line.

Payment: We will forward a request for payment via PayPal. Payments can also be made via check payable to Dominion Entertainment Group (address below).

DEADLINE:  All graphics and payments must be received by TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1ST. All ad sales are final. An art charge of $50 will be assessed for graphics not submitted per the specifications above.


    Name of Person or Company Buying Ad (required)

    Contact Person (if different from above)

    Contact Email (required)

    PayPal Email for Billing (if different from above)

    Contact Daytime Phone (required)

    Contact/Company Mailing Address (required)

    Please Select Your Ad Size (required)

    Preferred Payment (required)

    We will pay via PayPal; please bill us.We will pay via check.

    I/We have read, understand, and accept the terms and conditions above for ad sales in the program booklet.

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